Announcement: Moving on...

Dear Students

25 November 2011 marks another milestone in SST's history when we welcome our 3rd batch of students and all of you will move on to be the seniors of the institution.

With effect from 26 November 2011, we will no longer update this blog.
The 2012 Student Blog would take effect from that date.

Your juniors would attempt Pre-Engagement Activities as you did before they formally join the SST community. Do drop by to provide advice to them if you come across enquiries :)

Do look out for updates in the GoogleSite as well as the blog.

ICT Department
26 November 2011

Workshops - Singapore Polytechnic and IDA

Dear students,

Due to overwhelming response, Singapore Polytechnic is unable to accommodate you in the workshop(s) that you have registered:

Workshop 1) Exposing Computer and Mobile Forensics
Workshop 2) Games Development workshop (CoronaSDK)

Thank you.

Important Announcement

Dear students,

Please take note that you will need to wear your full school uniform if you are coming to school during the school holidays, be it for CCAs or meetings, otherwise you will not be allowed into the school compound.

Thank you.

IT services disruption from 02 Dec 2011 to 5 Dec 2011

Dear students,

As part of our move to the new campus at the permanent site, IT dept will also be moving the IT infrastructure equipments as well. There will be downtime from all school network and server services from 2 Dec 2011 (Fri) 12.00pm to 5th Dec 2011 (Mon) 7.00am.

During this period, all services will be affected, except for SST's internet webpage and student's blog. (Student's Google's Email/Apps and Parent's portal will also be affected). During this period, the school will post any urgent messages/annoucement to the student blog instead.

In addition, students are advised not to return to the existing school campus after the system downtime as the school will be moving over to the new site and there will be no wireless connection for use at the existing campus.

If you experience any technical difficulty in accessing the IT services after the downtime period, please email us at

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind understanding.

Holiday CCA Programme

Dear Students,

Please download a copy of CCA programme during the holiday period in November and December.


Thank you.

2011 Post Exam Activities Feedback Survey

Dear Students,

As part of the evaluation of the post examination activities and forward planning for 2012, a feedback survey is posted on the S&W blog of each class. Please complete the survey with your honest response so that the school can get a sense of the relevance, appropriateness and effectiveness of the activities and make an informed decision on the type of activities to plan in 2012.

Thank you.

DigiPen Workshop on 10 &11 November

This introductory workshop is a 4-hours session that introduces students to the world of game development. Students will discover the roles of mathematics, physics, arts and the importance of the integration of these academic topics in the field of software engineering.

Classes Attending
10 November 2011 (Thursday)
1400-1800 Hrs
(One way transport provided)
S1-01 (8), S1-02 (11), S1-03 (7)
DigiPen Institute of Technology, Singapore
PIXEL Building, 10 Central Exchange Green, #01-01, Singapore 138649
11 November 2011 (Friday)
AM Group
0830-1300 Hrs
(Report directly to DigiPen)

PM Group
1400-1800 Hrs
(One way transport provided)
AM Group
S1-05 (5), S1-06 (12), S1-07 (10)

PM Group
S1-04 (12), S1-08 (7), S1-09 (7)
Students will be dismissed from DigiPen Campus.

Campus Location

DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore is located in the PIXEL Building at 10 Central Exchange Green, a newly constructed road just off Portsdown Road in the Buona Vista area. The building is visible from Portsdown Road and is just a block or two from the new Fusionopolis building complex.

Directions (extracted from DigiPen Website)

By public transport, take the MRT to Buona Vista. From there (North Buona Vista Road bus stop directly outside the station), you can take bus 191 to Portsdown Road and get off at stop B10 (Opposite Fusionopolis). The bus ride only takes a few minutes and stops quite close to the school. 
Information about the Bus 191

Alternatively, you may take MRT to One-North MRT Station (Circle Line), which is much nearer. Look for EXIT B. Once you come out from the underground station, follow the shethered walkway and turn right. You will pass by a bus stop. There's a junction ahead. Walk to the building that is located diagonally opposite. Use pedestrian crossing (to cross 2 traffic lights)

By car or taxi, turn left (if you are coming from the east) off of North Buona Vista Road onto Portsdown Road (you'll see a sign for "Temasek Club" as well). You will pass Fusionopolis on your right, while you should follow the road as it curves to the left a bit and then again to the right. You will see the school ahead (Pixel, as indicated on the map). Turn left onto Central Exchange Green and immediately left again to enter the carpark for the school.

You may also enter via North Buona Vista Road. Make a turn into One North Gateway and follow the road down. The school will be on your left where you can make a left turn at the junction of Portsdown Road and Central Exchange Green.

Important things to note:
  • Have a heavy breakfast/lunch. The food court is not situated at convenient locations.
  • Bring along with you bottles of water.
  • Bring along a THUMBDRIVE with you.
Meet up with the teachers at the lift lobby.
You attendance will be taken before going to the lab.

  • Thursday (10 November): [PM] Ms Loh, Mr Igham
  • Friday (11 November): [AM] Ms Loh, Mrs Lim [PM] Mr Yeo, Mr Chan
Should you need help, you may call or sms Mr Yeo or Ms Loh.
Remember to identify yourself (name and class).


View Larger Map

Survey For Secondary 2 (2011 cohort) on Language Learning - ENGLISH & CHINESE LANGUAGE

There are 2 parts to this survey:

Part (1): 
ALL students will answer this survey, pertaining to English Language Learning.

Click HERE to access the survey.
Upon completion, if you take Chinese Language or English Language, please proceed to Part (2)

Part (2):
Students who take Chinese Language or Higher Chinese Language will answer the following survey.

Click HERE to access the survey.

MOE ICT MasterPlan 3 (mp3) Student Survey 2011

Please login to the GoogleSite Domain...
At the announcement page, please respond to the survey for MOE, pertaining to the use of Technology in classroom.

Schedule for the Review and Checking of 2011 End-of-Year Exam papers

To: Students of SST

Schedule for the Review and Checking of 2011 End-of-Year Exam papers

The exams are over and the much awaited release of (marked) exam scripts has been scheduled for 27 and 28 Oct. All students are to report to the respective venues at the allocated timeslots as indicated in the schedule for the review and checking of exam scripts.

Students are to have only your calculators and pencils with you during the review. The rest of your personal belongings should be kept in your bags.

During the review sessions, subject teachers will be walking you through the exam questions - highlighting common mistakes made as well as exemplary answers, and to answer your subject matter queries.

In addition, you will be required to check your own answer scripts to ensure that every question is marked and that the total mark is correct. In the event that corrections have to be made to your marks, you must first get the approval of the subject coordinator present, who will sign on your subject paper as confirmation.

All answer scripts will be collected back at the end of the review session and no further corrections will be allowed after the respective checking & review sessions.

Thank you.


A Day@SST 2011

Dear Students,

SST would be organizing her 3rd ‘A Day@SST’ event this Saturday, 22nd October 2011. The various teachers who would be presenting their lessons on that day have nominated students to assist in their classroom experiences.

You can download a copy of the list HERE

Thank you.

Reader Digest

Dear Students,

All class chairpersons please collect your class September Issue Reader's Digest from the general office on Monday, 12 September 2011.

Thank you.

Programme for Exploring Entrepreneuship Camp @ NP

Dear Students,

Please note that the programme and groupings for the camp could be found on the I&E google site from Monday onwards. You are to report to school by 0800 in your school uniform and assemble at the school hall. Please bring along your laptop and writing materials.

Thank you.

September Holidays Activities for CCAs

Dear Students,

Please be informed of the following activities for CCAs below during the September holidays.

(Click the image to view full size)

Thank you.

Teachers’ Day Celebration on 1 Sep 2011 (Thursday)

Dear SST students,

Teachers’ Day is a special day where you can acknowledge and show appreciation and gratitude for the hard work and dedication that your teachers have shown you. On 1 Sep 2011 (Thurs), we will celebrate this day as a school. You will report to school by 0740. Attire: School Uniform. Normal school rules apply.

The programme for that day is as follows:

Programme Outline
0740 – 0750
Morning Assembly

0750 – 0845
‘Thank you, Teacher!” Appreciation Party
Class Clean-up

0845 – 1030
“Thank You, Teacher” Concert

Students will be dismissed from the Hall at 1030.

We believe that your Class Chairpersons have briefed you on the details of the class segment. We hope that this appreciation party would be an opportunity for your class to show your appreciation for your teachers as well as for your class to forge closer bonds.

Kindly be reminded that activities should adhere to school rules and safety rules should be strictly followed. Do also remember to send an invitation to all your teachers to invite them to your class party.  Please remember to clean up your classrooms before you proceed to the Hall for the concert segment.

We hope that you will make this day a meaningful, enjoyable and memorable one for your teachers! :)

Student Development Committee

20110815 (CE) Sec 1 Programme - Cyberwellness

This session is facilitated by the Class Cyberwellness Ambassadors, supported by the Form Teachers

Key Learning for today's lesson:
  • What it means to be a good netizen?
  • Responsible action: What to do and what NOT to do, in particular, hacking and invasion of privacy
We'll discuss what are the characteristics of a good netizen.
Activity 1: 
S1-01 ~ S1-02 ~ S1-03 ~ S1-04 ~ S1-05 ~ S1-06 ~ S1-07 ~ S1-08 ~ S1-09

Activity 2:
S1-01 ~ S1-02 ~ S1-03 ~ S1-04 ~ S1-05 ~ S1-06 ~ S1-07 ~ S1-08 ~ S1-09 

(3) SST Acceptable Use Policy
Activity 3: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

References/ Resources

Visit the SST C.W.A.T Facebook Page for updates & more resources!

Audition for Teachers' Day Celebration on 1 Sep 2011

Details of Audition
Date: 18 Aug 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Venue: Hall

(i) Technical Rehearsal (25 Aug 2011 from 2pm to 4pm Venue: School Hall) 

(ii) Full Dress Rehearsal (26 Aug 2011 from 2pm to 4pm Venue: School Hall)

(i) Wanted - Student Performers

We are looking for students who are interested in performing (singing, dancing and/or acting) for their teachers on Teachers' Day. 

You may perform alone or in a group.
Each performance should not exceed 5min. 
You should come prepared for the audition. Do bring your props, music, songs and lyrics etc,...
The performance that you choose should be tasteful and professional. 

(ii) Wanted - 2 Emcees

We are looking for students who are articulate with good and clear spoken English, confident and able to engage the audience to be the emcees for the event. 
If you think you fit the bill and are interested in becoming the emcees for the Teachers' Day celebration, do register for the audition.

We would like you to come prepared with a short script to demonstrate how you would be hosting the event if you were selected. 

If you are interested to perform or host, please register for an audition slot on the sign-up sheets outside the Staff Room. 
The sign-up sheets will be removed at 12noon on Thursday (18 Aug 2011). 

Thank you and hope to see you at the auditions.

Investigate IT by IDA

Dear Students,
The IT Exposed Programme is an initiative by IDA to equip Infocomm Club students with basic computing concepts and skills in a fun way.
IDA, in conjunction with Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) and IDA Infocomm Club Ambassadors, is conducting an IT Exposed workshop. You will be able to pick up basic programming language skills and apply them immediately to create an interactive application at the end of the workshop.  No pre-requisite programming skill is needed and the workshop is conducted with compliments (free-of-charge).

To register, simply fill up the registration form below by 17 August 2011 (first-come-first-served basis)

Boards Games

Dear Students,

The following list of games are available in the General Office for you to borrow:
  • Pictionary - Singapore Edition
  • Cluedo
  • Magnetic Games - Ludo, chess, checkers, Tic-tac-toe, Snakes & Ladders, Chinese Chequers, 9 Men's Morris
  • Pocket Scrabble
  • Monopoly
  • Monopoly Deal Card Game x 2
  • China Chess
  • Reversi / O-hello
  • Uno x 2
  • Boggle Slam!
Thank you.

Safety Poster / Badge design competition - DEADLINE EXTENDED

Dear Students,

The dateline for Safety Poster/Badge Design competition has been extended to 29 July 2011.

For more information on the competitions, visit here

We look forward to your entry!


Safety Poster / Badge design competition

SST is organizing a Safety Poster and Badge Design Competition to create awareness and inspire people to know the Safety Policy of SST.

Design Competition 1 (Individual) : Badge Design
One submission per student

The design must 1) promote Safety Awareness
                            2) Attractive Design
                            3) Vibrance & Colourful

Details of submission: Include Name, class, design brief (description)
Total of 3 prizes for this Category
Submitted by 15 July 2011

Click LINK to download the template (please download the powerpoint template for your design)

Design Competition 2 (Team) : Poster Design
One submission per Team, Students can only be a member of 1 Team

Theme: Safety Awareness
The slogan "Safety begins with me" must be explicit included into the design
Design should not be too abstract
The message of Safety begins with me must be conveyed
Using template downloadable from the student blog, the designs and images used must not cover the school logos

Details of submission: Include Team Name, Team Member Name, class, design brief (description)
Total of 5 prizes for this category
Submitted by 29 July 2011

Click LINK to download the template (please download the powerpoint template for your design)

Other Rules and Regulations are as follows:
1. Safety Committee members and teachers may be approached for general safety advice (but not help on the actual submission).
2. Please submit your designs to
3. The highest-ranking photo/posters may be made into SST Safety & Health Policy Posters. Hence by entering the contest, you agree to grant SST the right to publish your photo posters / design (note: published posters may be modified as and when required).
4. Names of the winners and their accompanying winning photo posters will be announced during one of the assembly.
5. Should there be discrepancies or plagiarism discovered, SST reserves the right to disqualify the winner and forfeit the prize.
6. The above rules are subject to change without any notice.

Safety Awareness Week 2011 - Quiz

You can also access the quiz form here

Parent-Teacher Meeting 2011 June-July

Dear Students

In end-May, your parents received the Common Test Result slips via email.
In the email, your parents have been informed that that 1st Semester result slips (issued with the report books) will be issued on the 30 June & 8 July for Sec 2 and Sec 1 respectively. They will attend the Principal's talk in the evening.

Your parents were also invited to sign up for sessions to meet up with the Subject Teachers.
It will coincide with the day when the Principal Talk takes place.

 Date Event Description
 Secondary 1 8 July 2011 Friday Parent-Teacher Meeting
 Principal's Talk 
 Meet up with Teacher(s) for discussion
 Talk in the hall at 6.30 pm
 Secondary 2 30 June 2011 Thursday Parent-Teacher Meeting
 Sec 3 Course Options Briefing
 Meet up with Teacher(s) for discussion
 Attend briefing in the hall at 7 pm

For more details and registration, click at the following GoogleSite:

Travel Declarations 2011, June

All Students:
Please login to the Student GoogleSite to submit your Travel Declarations (in the online form) before reporting to school on Monday (27 June 2011).

Term 3 Class TimeTable

Term 3 TimeTable is now available.
You may access it from the Student GoogleSite or the link at this Student Blog (on the left) under "Main Page" Section.

Robocode by Ngee Ann Polytechnic ( IT Exposed Programme brought to you by IDA)

The IT Exposed Programme is an initiative by IDA to equip Infocomm Club students with basic computing concepts and skills in a fun way.

To register, please fill up the Google Registration form by 26 May (Thursday).

Thank you for your interest.
Registration is already closed.

Singapore Book Fair 2011

Date: 27 May - 5 June
Time: 11am - 10pm
Venue: Level 4, Suntec Singapore

Please click on the images below for the list of programmes

Term 2 Week 10 (Sec 1) ProjectFUN Video Game Programmming Introductory Workshop by DigiPen

This introductory workshop is a 4-hours session that introduces students to the world of game development. Students will discover the roles of mathematics, physics, arts and the importance of the integration of these academic topics in the field of software engineering.

Classes Attending
26 May 2011 (Thursday)
0730 – 1230 Hrs
S1-03, S1-04, S1-06, S1-07, S1-09
DigiPen Institute of Technology, Singapore
PIXEL Building, 10 Central Exchange Green, #01-01, Singapore 138649
27 May 2011 (Friday)
1330 – 1800 Hrs
S1-01, S1-02, S1-05, S108

Campus Location

DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore is located in the PIXEL Building at 10 Central Exchange Green, a newly constructed road just off Portsdown Road in the Buona Vista area. The building is visible from Portsdown Road and is just a block or two from the new Fusionopolis building complex.

Directions (extracted from DigiPen Website)

By public transport, take the MRT to Buona Vista. From there (North Buona Vista Road bus stop directly outside the station), you can take bus 191 to Portsdown Road and get off at stop B10 (Opposite Fusionopolis). The bus ride only takes a few minutes and stops quite close to the school. 
Information about the Bus 191

By car or taxi, turn left (if you are coming from the east) off of North Buona Vista Road onto Portsdown Road (you'll see a sign for "Temasek Club" as well). You will pass Fusionopolis on your right, while you should follow the road as it curves to the left a bit and then again to the right. You will see the school ahead (Pixel, as indicated on the map). Turn left onto Central Exchange Green and immediately left again to enter the carpark for the school.

You may also enter via North Buona Vista Road. Make a turn into One North Gateway and follow the road down. The school will be on your left where you can make a left turn at the junction of Portsdown Road and Central Exchange Green.

Important things to note:
  • Have a heavy breakfast. The food court is not situated at convenient locations.
  • Bring along with you bottles of water.
  • Bring writing materials with you.
Meet up with the teachers at the lift lobby.
You attendance will be taken before going to the lab.

  • Thursday (26 May): Mrs Serene Lew and Mdm Azizah; Ms Loh
  • Friday (27 May): Mr Edwin Lim and Mr Terence Fong; Mr Aurelius Yeo
Should you need help, you may call or sms Mr Yeo or Ms Loh. [See GoogleSite for info]
Remember to identify yourself (name and class).

Term 2 Week 10 Programme

Please see Ms Doreen Tan should you have further enquiries

Mega Microsoft Student Techfest on 2 June 2011

  • For those who are in Singapore, you shall receive the CONSENT FORM on Monday (23 May), to be signed and returned to the school on Tuesday (24 May).
  • *For those who are participating in the GCP, you will receive the consent form via email (Sent to your email account, and cc to your parents). You shall print a copy of the consent form and bring along with you when you turn up on the day of the event.
Other Information:

  • Time: 1330h to 1800h
  • Attire: School Uniform
  • Report to Nanyang Polytechnic on your own and meet up with the teachers at the entrance to the auditorium at 1.30 pm
  • Do NOT bring your learning device.
 Directions to Nanyang Polytechnic(NYP) Auditorium

Mega Microsoft Student Techfest - 2 June 2011 (Organised by IDA)

Mega Microsoft Student Techfest on 2 June 2011 - Register now! [organised by IDA]

The 4th edition of the Student Techfest will take place on 2 June 2011, at Nanyang Polytechnic.

Theme: Unleash your Potential, Be What’s Next!
Our Gen Zs are busy studying, working and socializing all the time. They have their school lives and their social lives, and they are the true digital natives, yet do they really know how to integrate everything seamlessly to be efficient, productive and stay sane and fun effectively? Microsoft, being a keen industry partner would like to remind the Net Generation of the possibilities of technology when you join everything together to form that connected experience, of learn, work and play! Through this, we aim to spark an interest in technology and the industry amongst our young ones. We want them to aspire to Be What’s Next!

Be wowed with a great line up of activities which include the latest Microsoft technologies showcase and hearing from professionals first hand on how it is like working in Microsoft! That's not all, get your hands on the latest gadgets and have a fun filled event with free food and beverages. Come join us for this unforgettable event!

More than 500 students have enjoyed themselves in the last 3 techfests – check out the blog!

Click here to view more photos of past Techfests on their Facebook page!

To register, please fill up the Google Registration form by 18 May (Wednesday).

The registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest.

Secondary 2: General Survey on CN-ECT for Languages (FS@SG Research Initiative)

Dear Students

You are going to participate in a survey to aid the researcher to gain an overview on the SST students' views towards various aspects of language learning.

Please note that while you are required to key in your name at the first page, the purpose is for research team to account for responses from all students. Please be assured that your identity is kept confidential because the survey is fully managed by the research team and the team does not drill down to specific responses from individuals.

For ALL students, you will attempt the
  • Survey on English Language Learning
    • Students who are not involved in the research project, you will skip the Q8
    • Students involved in the research project (S2-01 and S2-07), please answer Q8
For students who study Chinese or Higher Chinese, you will continue with the 2nd survey:
  • Survey on Chinese Language Learning
    • Students who are not involved in the research project, you will skip Q13
    • Students involve in the research project (S2-01 and S2-04), please answer Q13
Thank you very much for your participation.
You may leave upon completion of the survey.

Have a great weekend.

Teachers in-charge:
Ms Ooi Ching Ya (CN-ECT for Languages - HCL)
Mdm Zuraida (CN-ECT for Languages - English)
Ms Loh Kwai Yin (FS@SG Project)

    Common Test Schedule, 11 to 13 May 2011

    Dear Students,

    Common Test Schedule is out, please refer to the attachments below.

    Secondary 1 (click image to see full view):

    Secondary 2 (click image to see full view):

    You may want to save a copy for your reference.

    Thank you.

    URGENT: Sports Day Postponed

    Dear Students/Parents,

    The Sports Day is postponed to a later date as Clementi Stadium has been earmarked as a venue for rallying speeches.

    Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Thank you.
    School of Science and Technology

    Survey on Students' Aspirations

    Dear Students,

    The school will conducting a survey on the students' aspirations tomorrow during assembly programme.

    You are to bring your Learning Device to the hall for the talk and immediately after the talk you are to key in your responses to the survey.

    Alternatively, click HERE to access the form in a separate window

    Thank you.

    Keyboard Protector

    The following students have not collected the keyboard protector. Please come down to ICT Helpdesk by Thursday 14 April 2011, latest 3pm.

    1) CHIRLA AKHILA (S1-02)
    2) COWAN HO (S1-02)
    3) CHAU JIA EN (S1-02)
    5) LEE JEE HOON (S1-03)
    7) LOH YANG KIT, MARCUS (S1-03)
    9) NG CARVEN (S1-04)
    14) YEO HUNG KYE (S1-08)
    15) ABIYYU ARIF RAHMAN (S1-09)
    16) BRYAN KONG JUN YONG (S1-09)
    18) MUHAMMAD 'ADIL B AMRAN (S1-09)

    Thank you.

    SST Show Choir

    There will be another round of auditions for those had missed out the earlier auditions.

    Day & Date: Tues, 5 April 2011
    Venue: Learning Oasis
    Time: after TCS session, around 1.40pm

    Consultation Booking

    Dear students,

    The booking form for consultation is up. You can access the booking form by clicking on the link under TCS Programme in GoogleSite.

    Do read through the instructions before you use the booking form to make appointments with your teachers.


    Please refrain from installing Mac OS 10.7 beta

    Dear Students

    We have received a number of feedback from those who have downloaded Mac OS 10.7 Beta (Lion) that the beta version is not quite stable.

    There are a few problems encountered with the beta version:

    1) MacBook not able to go to "sleep" properly
    2) MacBook "fan" will spin very fast
    3) Not able to boot up

    We would like to advise all students that the Apple Centre does not support Beta version of OS and therefore any restoration (apart from data recovery cost) is subject to charges.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    ICT Helpdesk

    Announcement of Term 2 Timetables

    Dear Students,

    A briefing of the timetable will be given to you on Monday, 28 March 2011.

    Thank you.

    Term 2 - Morning Assembly (Updated 23 March 2011)

    Kindly take note of the change in the sequence of morning assembly for Term 2:

    7.40 am: Flag Raising and National Anthem.

    7.42 am - 7.52 am: Silent Reading for all, including teachers (No announcements to be made at this time)

    7.52 am - 7.55 am: Announcements (if any)*

    7.55 am - Return to class

    8.00 am - Start of lessons.

    However, school starts at 8.40am on every Monday in Term 2.

    Vote for our HOME Teams!!!

    The following entries have been submitted for the Total Defence Day "HOME... Keeping it Together" Competition.

    Please show your support to our fellow schoolmates by VOTING for these entries at the Competition website (everyday!).
    (Click at the hyperlink to access)
    Deadline is 31 March 2011

    Entry 1: Lee Si Yuan, Stacey Yip, Naveena Menon, Choi Min Suk and Jonan Ling
    Theme: Home is ... Singapore

    Entry 2: Davina Ling, Michelle Dapito  S2-09
    Theme Home is Our Familily & Friends

    Entry 3: Kat Yong Jie S1-09
    Theme: Home LEGO style

    Entry 4: Kang Yan, Ong Bing Jue, Tan Jing Heng, Zach Zell from S1-08
    Theme: Home is the best

    Let's Name Our Own SST Street!

    SST will be moving to our permanent site by the end of this year and we have the wonderful privilege to name a street.

    We are inviting you to contribute your ideas. The student behind the winning entry gets the honour of having named a street in Singapore! (* This is not a competition and no prizes will be awarded).

    Please read through the guidelines provided and submit your entry by 16 March 2011 (Wed).

    Guidelines on Naming Streets
    • A street must be at least 60 metres long to qualify for a name.
    • No street shall be named after a living person.
    • The use of ‘Lorong’ and ‘Jalan’ is to be avoided.

    Some Consideration Factors
    • Location of the street
    • Nature of the developments served
    • Historical background of the area
    • Physical attributes of the street e.g. length, width, configuration
    • Ease of identifying the location by the public

    General Principles
    • Hierarchy (in descending order):
    Boulevard > Avenue > Way > Highway > Road > Street > Drive > Walk > Lane
    • Link – for road linkages
    • Close – for cul-de-sac roads
    • Loop/Crescent/Ring Road – for curved roads
    • Heights/Rise – can be used selectively for roads located on higher grounds

    2011, February 10: Assembly Programme for Secondary 2 Activity

    Q1: Lauren received email from people she didn't know saying things about her private life that they could not have possibly have known. 
    What happened and what could have caused this to happen?

    Classes: S2-08 & S2-09