Activity 5: When you wish upon the "Wall"

Objective of this activity
1. To share your view on a public space
2. To embed the wall in your blog

Your Task
1. You are going to contribute an idea in the public space (Wall wisher) by posting a sticky on the wall.
Suggest one software/ application that you think is useful for SST students to know. Explain briefly, in what way this software/ application is going to be useful in your learning.

You will be able to see the updates when others contribute their ideas, too.

2. Create a post in your blog and name it "Wishes on the Wall". Embed the Wall in your blog.
In the same blog post, pen down...
(a) What is some useful features of wall wisher?
(b) What are some limitations of wall wisher?
(c) In what way you think this could be used in your learning activity or CCA? Give an example.

Something extra...
Register an account at and experience how easy it is to create a wall.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can windows softwares such as windows movie maker be used on macs?

  3. @Tay Yong Hong

    Yes I think it can. I'm not very sure though. But what I know is that there are versions of Microsoft Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Messenger(MSN) for macs. I use Microsoft Messenger for macbooks, it can be downloaded online for free (search 'messenger for mac'). I believe the teachers are using the Mac version of Microsoft Office, and the good thing is that the Pages software can read Word, Numbers can read Excel, and Keynote can read Powerpoint, so we do not need to download Microsoft Office.

    Hope this helps :D

  4. @ tan yong hong

    I think what you are trying to ask is the movie making software in windows? yes, it can. You can try to look for the mac version or simply use to open it. Wine is used to open all windows software.

    -zheng Jie

  5. @Yong Hong:

    During ICT lessons in school, you'll learn about Mac apps, e.g. iMovie, and how you are encouraged to used them.
