Technology as A Way of Life

In SST, we adopt technology as a way of life. Ubiquitous use of technology takes place not just in classrooms, but also in co-curricular programmes. Students would be equipped with the technology skills and life skills to use ICT responsibly for learning, social interaction and recreation.

We believe our digital natives are adventurous, enthusiastic and possess lots of initiative - important characteristics of technology-savvy 21st century citizens. They explore, try and discover! They will explore the unlimited possibilities and strive for excellence. Fear not, you are not on your own. The teachers are around to get you started with this exciting journey.

Welcome to the Whole New Way of Learning!

An Overview

In SST, students would apply a range of ICT skills to learn and demonstrate their understanding (e.g. creation of artefacts). This is in line with the national strategies as well as SST's goals to prepare our learners to be 21st century-ready.

This repetoire of skills includes
(a) MOE's Baseline ICT Standards for Students (rolled out to all schools in 2007-2008):
1. Basic Operations - Operating in an interactive media environment
2. Learning with Searches - Intenet navigation and search

3. Learning with Text - Word Processing
4. Learning with Multimedia - Production and Manipulation of media content
5. Learning with Spreadsheet - Data Management and Processing
6. Learning with Communication Tools - Online Communication
7. Learning with Data Collection Tools - Data Collection and Transfer

In SST, students will go deeper into each of the above areas. They will also be using the following:

(b) Web 2.0 Applications
Generally, the suite of applications includes
1. Blogs
2. Wikis
3. Discussion Forum
4. Twitter & Plurk
5. GoogleApps such as GoogleSite, GoogleSpreadsheet, etc.
6. GoogleMap
7. GoogleSite

(c) Software applications that come with the learning device
This includes...
1. iLife - Photo Booth, iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband
2. iWork - Pages, KeyNote, Numbers
3. Preview
4. QuickTime Player


While "waiting" for the learning device to be ready for collection, we can start preparing ourselves by exploring the following Applications:

(1) Blogger ( - Blogging will be one of the common activities across various subjects. Find out how to insert images, embed video clips and other gadgets in the blog.
(2) GoogleMaps ( - Discover how to tag images (and add notes) to different locations in Singapore or on the world map!
(3) Twitter ( - Put down your thoughts in a short and concise manner.
Activities are designed to bring you through the 3 applications.
  • Do NOT rush! Take your time to explore the features in each application.
  • At the end of each activity, there are some questions for you to ponder, for further exploration.
  • You may wish to stagger the activities over a week or two.

Activity 1: Blogging with Blogger

Objective of this activity
To create a blog with at least 2 posts, each with text and image(s)

To Create a Blog: For beginners, watch the following videoclip before getting started

Source: Blogger Help. (2009, December 06). How to create a blog with Blogger [video file]. Retrieved from

Useful resources

Your Task 1

1. Create a blog, name it "My Journey begins... @ SST"

2. There should be two posts to this blog:
(a) In the 1st post, insert an image that is represents your feelings and reactions when you received the letter/ call that confirms your posting to SST. Share why you choose this picture to represent your feelings and reactions.

(b) In the 2nd post, describe your experience in creating this blog. Also, suggest how blogging can be part of your learning experience in SST.

Submit your blog address in the following form:

Something to ponder...
  1. How to change the order of the posts? (e.g. to move the latest post to the bottom of the page)
  2. How to allow visitors to comment on one post but not the other?
  3. How do we decide to let visitors to comment or not to comment at a particular post?
  4. How many account(s) is/are required if a blog is required for each subject?
If you need clarification on this task, or need help to complete the above, enter the questions under "COMMENTS". Remember to sign off with your name so that we can respond accordingly. Anonymous questions will not be entertained.
  • Cite your image if you are not the owner of the photograph/image.
  • Do not post your photograph in the blog.

Activity 2: Getting to know places with Google Maps

Objective of this activity
1. To use Google Maps to get useful information for planning
2. To create a personalised map

(a) Using Google Maps: For beginners, watch the following videoclip before getting started

Source: Google. (2009, December 06). Introduction to Google Maps Singapore with Traffic & Transit [video file]. Retrieved from

Useful resources
Your Task 2a
1. Using Google Maps, find out the suggested route(s) from your home to SST.
2. Apart from the suggested routes, what other information does Google Maps provide that helps you plan your journey to school?
3. How useful and reliable do you think are the information that Google Maps provide?

(b) Personalising Google maps: For beginners, watch the following videoclip before getting started

Source: Google. (2009, December 06). How to create a "My Map" in Google Maps [video file]. Retrieved from
Your Task 2b
1. Using Google Maps, create a map on ONE of the following:
  • (a) Some places that you been to, in Singapore, during this school vacation; or
  • (b) Some places that you been to overseas
2. Your personalised map should have the following:
  • At least 3 landmarks/places marked on the map.
  • For each landmark/place, there should be at least one image and a brief description.
3. Generate the code of the map and embed it into a post in your blog (created in the previous activity). Provide your post with a name and briefly share what you did in the place(s) you visited.
Here's a an example of how your personalised map will look like when embedded in the post.

View Some Places in a larger map
Something to Ponder...

  1. If the map were to reflect several places to be visited in a day, how do we enhance the personalised map so that it could be used like an itinerary?
  2. How could two or more of us collaborate on the same map?
If you need to clarify anything about this task, or need help to complete the above, enter the questions under "COMMENTS". Remember to sign off with your name so that we can respond accordingly. Anonymous questions will not be entertained.

Enquiry 1: Embedding Map in Blog Post

  • How to use Google Maps to map out the routes for than 2 locations?
  • How different are the suggested routes for Location A to Location B, and vice versa?

Activity 3: Let's Tweet!

Objective of this activity
1. To tweet, to follow and be followed
2. To search for tweets

View the following:
Useful resources
Your Task 3
1. From your account, follow the SSTSingapore, the official twitter account from SST.
  • By doing so, you will be updated of happenings and announcements that SST makes via Twitter.
Something to Ponder...

  1. With limited number of characters allowed, how do we insert long URLs in tweets?
  2. Picture speaks a thousand words. How do we include pictures in a tweet?
If you need to For clarification or help needed to complete the above, enter the questions under "COMMENTS". Remember to sign off with your name so that we can respond accordingly. Anonymous questions will not be entertained.

Activity 4: More about your DIGITAL self through digital collage

Objective of Activity

To create a digital collage to illustrate the Web 2.0 tools that you have tried and are familiar with. Here is an example a a digital collage:
Your Task:
  1. List down the various online applications that you are familiar with.
  2. Insert the logos into any application that allows you to insert and organise images.
  3. Save this digital collage as an image and post it in your blog.
  4. In your blog, Insert the URLs where these online applications can be found. Amongst the online applications, pick ONE which is your FAVOURITE and share with us why you like it.

Activity 5: When you wish upon the "Wall"

Objective of this activity
1. To share your view on a public space
2. To embed the wall in your blog

Your Task
1. You are going to contribute an idea in the public space (Wall wisher) by posting a sticky on the wall.
Suggest one software/ application that you think is useful for SST students to know. Explain briefly, in what way this software/ application is going to be useful in your learning.

You will be able to see the updates when others contribute their ideas, too.

2. Create a post in your blog and name it "Wishes on the Wall". Embed the Wall in your blog.
In the same blog post, pen down...
(a) What is some useful features of wall wisher?
(b) What are some limitations of wall wisher?
(c) In what way you think this could be used in your learning activity or CCA? Give an example.

Something extra...
Register an account at and experience how easy it is to create a wall.