September Holidays Activities for CCAs

Dear Students,

Please be informed of the following activities for CCAs below during the September holidays.

(Click the image to view full size)

Thank you.

Teachers’ Day Celebration on 1 Sep 2011 (Thursday)

Dear SST students,

Teachers’ Day is a special day where you can acknowledge and show appreciation and gratitude for the hard work and dedication that your teachers have shown you. On 1 Sep 2011 (Thurs), we will celebrate this day as a school. You will report to school by 0740. Attire: School Uniform. Normal school rules apply.

The programme for that day is as follows:

Programme Outline
0740 – 0750
Morning Assembly

0750 – 0845
‘Thank you, Teacher!” Appreciation Party
Class Clean-up

0845 – 1030
“Thank You, Teacher” Concert

Students will be dismissed from the Hall at 1030.

We believe that your Class Chairpersons have briefed you on the details of the class segment. We hope that this appreciation party would be an opportunity for your class to show your appreciation for your teachers as well as for your class to forge closer bonds.

Kindly be reminded that activities should adhere to school rules and safety rules should be strictly followed. Do also remember to send an invitation to all your teachers to invite them to your class party.  Please remember to clean up your classrooms before you proceed to the Hall for the concert segment.

We hope that you will make this day a meaningful, enjoyable and memorable one for your teachers! :)

Student Development Committee

20110815 (CE) Sec 1 Programme - Cyberwellness

This session is facilitated by the Class Cyberwellness Ambassadors, supported by the Form Teachers

Key Learning for today's lesson:
  • What it means to be a good netizen?
  • Responsible action: What to do and what NOT to do, in particular, hacking and invasion of privacy
We'll discuss what are the characteristics of a good netizen.
Activity 1: 
S1-01 ~ S1-02 ~ S1-03 ~ S1-04 ~ S1-05 ~ S1-06 ~ S1-07 ~ S1-08 ~ S1-09

Activity 2:
S1-01 ~ S1-02 ~ S1-03 ~ S1-04 ~ S1-05 ~ S1-06 ~ S1-07 ~ S1-08 ~ S1-09 

(3) SST Acceptable Use Policy
Activity 3: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

References/ Resources

Visit the SST C.W.A.T Facebook Page for updates & more resources!

Audition for Teachers' Day Celebration on 1 Sep 2011

Details of Audition
Date: 18 Aug 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Venue: Hall

(i) Technical Rehearsal (25 Aug 2011 from 2pm to 4pm Venue: School Hall) 

(ii) Full Dress Rehearsal (26 Aug 2011 from 2pm to 4pm Venue: School Hall)

(i) Wanted - Student Performers

We are looking for students who are interested in performing (singing, dancing and/or acting) for their teachers on Teachers' Day. 

You may perform alone or in a group.
Each performance should not exceed 5min. 
You should come prepared for the audition. Do bring your props, music, songs and lyrics etc,...
The performance that you choose should be tasteful and professional. 

(ii) Wanted - 2 Emcees

We are looking for students who are articulate with good and clear spoken English, confident and able to engage the audience to be the emcees for the event. 
If you think you fit the bill and are interested in becoming the emcees for the Teachers' Day celebration, do register for the audition.

We would like you to come prepared with a short script to demonstrate how you would be hosting the event if you were selected. 

If you are interested to perform or host, please register for an audition slot on the sign-up sheets outside the Staff Room. 
The sign-up sheets will be removed at 12noon on Thursday (18 Aug 2011). 

Thank you and hope to see you at the auditions.

Investigate IT by IDA

Dear Students,
The IT Exposed Programme is an initiative by IDA to equip Infocomm Club students with basic computing concepts and skills in a fun way.
IDA, in conjunction with Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) and IDA Infocomm Club Ambassadors, is conducting an IT Exposed workshop. You will be able to pick up basic programming language skills and apply them immediately to create an interactive application at the end of the workshop.  No pre-requisite programming skill is needed and the workshop is conducted with compliments (free-of-charge).

To register, simply fill up the registration form below by 17 August 2011 (first-come-first-served basis)